New product
Horien Ultra Comfort
Maxi Pack 360 ml + 120 ml is an improved version of popular solution Horien Ultra Comfort.
Horien BestBalance™
Multipurpose solution with hypromellose

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Horien Disposable™ are soft, hydrogel contact lenses for daily wear, designed for monthly replacement and made of highly hydrated material called Ocufilcon D with 55% water content. Horien lenses have a delicate light blue tint, whose purpose is to facilitate the use of the lens, and which does not change the eye color. The blue color of the lens helps to make it more visible and easily located in the cleaning solution. The lenses are manufactured with the use of a very precise casting technology which ensures a perfect lens shape, optimal wearing comfort and lasting visual acuity. The casting technology used in the manufacturing of our lenses ensures them a quality that is superior to other manufacturing technique s especially in terms of a perfect shape and perfectly flat lens surface. The modern design of Horien lenses makes them an excellent choice for people who have never worn lenses before. Horien lenses offer: high wearing comfort, better visual acuitycomp ared to spherical lenses, affordable price and all the advantages of a monthly replacement a new fresh lens every month, the ease of care and use of the lens. The lenses contain UVA and UVB filters.

Who do we recommend these lenses to?
People with very sensitive eyes
People looking for very soft and delicate lenses
• People who don’t tolerate silicone hydrogel lenses
People whose eyes become dry very quickly
People looking for the best value for money

Lens parameters:
Material: Ocufilcon D
Water content: 55%
UVA/UVB filter: Yes
Replacement frequency: monthly
Minus power: from 0.50D to 6.00 every 0,25D and from 6.50D to 8.00D every 0.50D
Plus power: from +1.00 to +5.00 every 0.50D
Curve: 8.60
Diameter: 14.20
Number of units in the box: 3

Contact lenses are available without prescription but are considered a medical product. They should be individually fitted by an ophthalmologist or an optometrist in a professional consultation room.


  • Horien Medical Sp. z o.o.
    ul. Unii Europejskiej 4
    86-050 Solec Kujawski
  • tel. +48 52 554 51 41
  • [email protected]